Store Street, Bloomsbury

Project Details & Aims

Repositioning of Store Street in Bloomsbury, London to support the introduction of more desirable shops and restaurants, and drive footfall to the street. Increase awareness of Bloomsbury as a destination and deliver business PR for landowner The Bedford Estates.

Our Work 

Coverdale Barclay was appointed by The Bedford Estates to raise the profile of its independent shopping and dining destination, Store Street in Bloomsbury. The PR strategy also included the wider profiling and positioning of Bloomsbury as a destination, comprising B2B and consumer PR to raise the Estates’ profile as an active and responsible landlord.

The team established a strong relationship with the Bloomsbury Festival, arranging for the Festival’s VIP and opening event to be held on the street. The event strategy drove footfall into the stores, and was so well attended that it has been held on Store Street every year since.

Other Work